Queerizações da Música Popular de António Variações


  • Paulo Pires Pepe Universidad de Nottingham



Palabras clave:

António Variações, queer



Across the centuries, religious and secular institutions have persisted in governing our bodies and legislating against gender, sexuality and sexual acts considered to deviate from prescribed norms. Music has been scrutinised in comparable ways by religious and secular institutions due to its emotional appeal. Thus, in this article, I will analyse two songs by António Variações, entitled Canção de Engate and Onda Morna that present a subliminal homoerotic theme. I will draw attention on this article to how music is used by Variações to express non‑normative sexualities and desires and how this facilitated expressions of queerness and queer identity.

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Cómo citar

Pires Pepe, Paulo. 2014. «Queerizações Da Música Popular De António Variações». Studia Iberystyczne 13 (diciembre):551-62. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.13.2014.13.42.