Estudo contrastivo da configuração das categorias verbais em português e em búlgaro



Palabras clave:

verbal semantics, verbal categories, Portuguese and Bulgarian linguistics



The contrastive typological study of the Portuguese and the Bulgarian verbal systems is based on a methodological premise considering the semantic content of each verbal category as a functional relation defined on the universal level of language activity and bound to a specific formal realization in any language on the historical level of the same activity. We assume that the internal category’s organisation within the language system is a hierarchical one in the terms of Greenberg [1971: 295‑313] and Gerdžikov [2003]. Therefore, the distribution of the categorial semantic load represents the “worldview” of the historically constituted linguistic community.

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Cómo citar

Chergova, Vesela. 2014. «Estudo Contrastivo Da configuração Das Categorias Verbais Em Português E Em Búlgaro». Studia Iberystyczne 13 (diciembre):297-316.



Linguística, didática e estudos de tradução