Música experimental electrónica portuguesa – uma aproximação teórica


  • Magdalena Doktorska Universidad de Varsovia, Polonia



Palabras clave:

experimental music, netlabel, vanguard, audio culture, noise


The present article describes the phenomena of experimental electronic music from Portugal, which is founded on concepts originating from the vanguards of the XX century. Starting from the crisis, which affected the 1900’s music, this short study presents the evolution of the noise connotation and the development of experimental electronic music. That, being always a cultural phenomena linked to alternative culture is also present in Portugal. For the current article were chosen three musical projects: structura, Eletrólise and M‑Pex, which can be considered representative for the topic of the article.

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Cómo citar

Doktorska, Magdalena. 2015. «Música Experimental electrónica Portuguesa – Uma aproximação teórica». Studia Iberystyczne 14 (diciembre):61-73. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.14.2015.14.04.



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